Monday, June 5, 2017

Level 1 Week 43


Tiny cards - German
  1. W.1Is the noun a person, animal, place, or thing?
  2. reportW.2Complete the sentence with a noun to match the picture
  3. reportW.3Select the nouns
  4. reportW.4Identify nouns in a sentence
  5. Read Pegasus
  6. Phonics book: Where is Your Home?

  7. Math Cat's Review:3
  • There are 5 vending machines on one side and four on the other. How many machines are there?
  • $1 + $20 =
  • If the store is open 24 hours. How many hours is it closed?
  • Patterns
  • How many are a dozen?
  • 3 + 4 =
  • 100 = one hundred, 1,000 =
  • 2 + 5 =
  • 7 + 2 =
  • What is a dozen plus 1 ?
  • Khan
Fifty famous stories chapter 25

Language resource (need your library card)
Tiny cards - German

  1. reportW.5Sort common and proper nouns
  2. reportW.6Identify proper nouns
  3. X.1Regular plurals: select the word that matches the picture
  4. reportX.2Form regular plurals with -s and -es
  5. Read Wings
  6. Phonics Book: A Fair is Fun

Language resource (need your library card)
Tiny cards - German
  1. X.3Use singular and plural nouns
  2. reportX.4Irregular plurals: select the word that matches the picture
  3. Y.1Select the possessive noun that matches the picture
  4. reportY.2Form the singular possessive
Read - The Maze
Phonics Book: Where Dinosaurs Walked

Language resource (need your library card)
Tiny cards - German
  1. Z.1Complete the sentence with a verb to match the picture
  2. reportZ.2Identify action verbs
  3. reportZ.3Use action verbs
  4. Read
  5. Phonics Book: Maps

Language resource (need your library card)
Tiny cards - German
  1. reportAA.1One or more than one?
  2. reportAA.2Complete the sentence with the best verb
  3. reportAA.3Complete the sentence with the best subject
  4. reportAA.4Pronoun-verb agreement: Complete the sentence with the best verb